降低风险 GOTS是一个的风险管理工具为您的供应链 GOTS为整个环境制定严格和广泛的环境和社会标准。 供应链 GOTS标准是明确的 可靠性 第三方认证作为独立的外部验证与自我声明 认证包括双重质量保证-现场检验和产品检验 认证为投资者和公众所期望的索赔提供了可信度和验证。 效率与生产率 GOTS废水管理及其他要求提高生态效率 GOTS的社会合规管理要求提高社会效率 _GOTS认证促进了供应链的可持续管理,降低了公司的成本,因为它们不需要整个供应链本身。 创新与分化 GOTS认证可以允许进入新市场,例如公共采购 GOTS是由政府和全球的纺织、体育、环境和有机组织明确承认的。 可持续创新为传统产品提供了附加价值。 可持续市场发展 使公司成为市场的驱动力 为公司日益严格的监管环境重塑公司。 GOTS被公认为世界范围内由有机纤维制成的纺织品的主要加工标准。
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the worldwide leading textile processing standard for organic fibres, including ecological and social criteria, backed up by independent certification of the entire textile supply chain.
Version 5.0 was published on 1st of March 2017, 3 years after the Version 4.0 was introduced and 12 years after the launch of the 1st Version. The high ecological and social requirements as well as word-wide practicability and verifiability were considered in the revision work, in order to achieve a reliable and transparent set of criteria.
The information in this section provides an overview of the content and basic requirements of the standard. It does not reflect all criteria of the standard and can therefore not be used for any official purpose.
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