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2021-06-23 05:00:01  628次浏览 次浏览
价 格:145


a7a9c7c3b23853c9526e9f0672a3743.jpg旱雪 即滑旱雪的简称。它发源于英国。旱雪是滑真雪的时空延展方式,旱雪的诞生打破了滑雪只能在冬季低温环境中进行的自然规律。

旱雪 (132).jpgDry snow is short for skiing. It originated in England. Drought and snow are the spatiotemporal extension of true skiing. The birth of drought and snow breaks the natural law that skiing can only be carried out in low temperature environment in winter.


旱雪 (57).jpgA special ground made of metal and plastic about several centimeters thick allows skiers to complete skiing movements with the same skis and techniques as real skiing. This special ground is called the "dry snow blanket". The principle of dry snow blanket skiing is based on the comprehensive physical principle, which enables objects to slide and stop quickly on slopes by reducing friction and increasing friction. At room temperature, the surface lubrication effect of dry snow can reach 90% close to true snow.


旱雪 (137).jpgBecause skiing is not affected by season and geographical location at any time, it can be built in the scenic spots with large population flow in the southern region and the suburbs of the city, and become a leisure sports venue for people after tea and dinner and weekend vacation. As well as children's entertainment fitness training skiing hobbies good place. Therefore, dry snow is also known as a safe "ski driving school" and a good way to realize the southern people's skiing dream. Drought and snow do not use water, electricity, air pollution, and environment damage. It is an outdoor sports way for the benefit of the country and the people, and for the benefit of future generations.

旱雪 (161).jpg以金针菇为外型的中国旱雪是世界旱雪的升级产品并发展迅猛

China's drought and snow with Flammulina velutipes as its appearance is an upgraded product of the world's drought and snow and develops rapidly.

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