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  • 公司: 北京高控科技有限公司
  • 地址: 北京市丰台区丰台科技园汉威国际广场一区1号楼7层50-51
  • 联系: 李建卓
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2025-01-03 02:06:06  44次浏览 次浏览
价 格:面议

IncOder™ 感应式角度编码器 – 37mm

IncOder 是一系列非接触式感应式角度编码器,用于在恶劣环境中进行的角度传感。IncOder 提供各种尺寸、机械、电气、分辨率和连接选项。了解有关IncOder 电感式角度编码器的更多信息,或使用下面的配置器构建适合您要求的产品。

The IncOder range offers millions of product options. Specify the right product for your application using

the IncOder Product Option / Part Number (see Section 8). Each IncOder contains one Stator and one

Rotor. Stators & Rotors are not matched pairs– in other words, either element may be swapped out for

replacement, if necessary. The range of options are:

Mechanical Format : mechanical formats include screw mount and servo clamp stators as well as

plain, shaft clamp and set-screw rotors– see Section 4.

IncOder Size : stated as outer diameter: 37 and 58mm in the Mini IncOder range– see Section 4.

Resolution Options : up to 20 bits for 58mm units; up to 17 bits for 37mm units- see Section 6.1.

Communication Interface Options:

Synchronous Serial Interface– see Section 6.4 for various formats (Product Options SSI1-9)

Asynchronous Serial Interface– see Section 6.5 (Product Option ASI1 & ASI2)

Serial Peripheral Interface– see Section 6.6 (Product Option SPI1)

A/B/Z pulses– see Section 6.7 (Product Option ABZ1-6)

BISS-C– see Section 6.8 (Product Options BIS3)

Connection Options : radial and axial connections as well as integral cables– see Section 4.4, 4.3,


Voltage Options : 5, 12 or 24VDC.

Extended Range Options : these options are only intended for ultra high-reliability applications which

may require extended thermal stress screening, bake-out, high shock/vibration constructions, leaded

solder, low or high operating temperatures– see Section 4.8

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