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公司以专业的队伍、严谨的管理、超卓的设备,着力打造宠物笼具,产品覆盖了国内近三十个省市、自治区,有数百家经销商、代理机构,深受用户好评。公司现有员工1000多人,具有世界先进工艺的生产流水线3 条,年生产能力3 万套,并且公司又人性化的根据用户的不同需要打造了养殖笼、展示笼、工艺笼等产品,让宠物在尽享天性的同时又给您带来快乐和便捷。


Xinhua Pet Products Company is a supplier of pet cages with comprehensive capabilities in designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing our products. The company is named as “First Supplier of Pet Cages ”, a reward of years of our hard work and in the industry. We have received [title]s including “Leader in Quality and Profitability of Hebei Province”, ”Technical Innovative Company of Hebei Province” and ” Trustworthy Company”. The company is located in Langfang City which is nick named "a Brilliant Pearl between Beijing and Tianjin” and “a Hong Kong in North China”.

Based on professional teams, strong management and advanced equipment, we offer our popular products across the country through hundreds of distributors and sales agencies. The company has over 1000 employees. Our three state-of-the-art production lines have an annual capacity of 30,000 sets of products. You will find that our diversified products including feeding cages, exhibition cages, artistic cages and others can satisfy different needs of customers by offering happy lives for pets as well as pleasure and convenience of their masters.

Love is the message we deliver as well as the core competency of our brand. Endeavoring to satisfy your needs, we will move forward with our love for your pets.

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