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  • 公司: 仙桃市丰联化工有限公司
  • 地址: 广东 佛山 南海区大沥镇博爱东路高鸣城
  • 联系: 邓先生
  • 手机: 13925062106
  • 电话: 0757-81093606
  • 一键开店

丰联化工有限公司创立于2001年,行政总部位于广东省佛山市南海区大沥镇。公司是一家专业开发及生产铝型材表面精细化工产品的企业,提供铝材阳极氧化、电解着色以及喷涂前处理等一体化表面处理解决方案。公司的主营产品有:酸蚀砂面剂、碱蚀添加剂、低温抛光剂、电解着色稳定剂、金黄着色添加剂、钛金着色添加剂、红铜着色添加剂、常温封孔剂、中温封孔剂、喷涂脱脂剂(除油剂)、铬化剂、无铬钝化剂等。公司始终以客户为中心,充分开发及合理利用资源,持续不断地进行改进,以优质的产品、完善的售后服务满足客户需求。坦诚换来朋友,朋友就是财富。丰联化工愿与您一道精诚合作、互惠互利、共同发展。Fenglian Chemicals Co., Ltd is founded in 2001, headquartered in Dali town, Nanhai district, Foshan. It is an enterprise dedicated to developing and producing chemical additives which used in the aluminum surface treatment process, and also providing the advanced technical supports and solutions to help solving the problems during the anodic oxidation, electrolytic colouring and spraying pretreatment processes.Our products mainly cover: Acid Etching Agent, Alkali Etching Additive Agent, Cryogenic polishing agent , Electrolytic Coloring Additive for Sn-Ni Salt, Electrolytic Coloring Additive For Golden Color, Electrolytic Coloring Additive For Titanium Golden Color, Electrolytic Coloring Additive For Purple Bronze Color, Cold Sealing Agent, Middle Temperature Sealing Agent, Degreasing Agent, Film Treatment Agent of Chromium, Non-Chromium Deactivating Agent and so on.We always focus on customer's requirements, fully develop and reasonably use the resources, constantly improve the product to satisfy our clients with the high quality products and perfect after-sales service. To be honest returns back friends, friends are our treasure. Fenglian is willing to join hands with customers from home and aboard to develop business together and finnally achieve the mutual benefit.

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