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  • 公司: 天津优盟化工科技有限公司
  • 地址: 天津 武清
  • 联系: 潘永慧
  • 手机: 13022258232
  • 一键开店

天津优盟化工科技有限公司位于环渤海高新技术开发区的中心---天津,公司自2003年创建以来,坚持以市场为导向,技术研发为重点,走规模化,效益化的发展之路。用真诚的信誉﹑过硬的质量,优质的服务,赢得了广大用户的青睐。 目前公司在生产橡胶类炭黑的基础上,又研发生产色素炭黑和导电炭黑等特种炭黑产品。这些产品广泛应用于橡胶﹑色母粒、油墨、色浆、塑料、发泡、地膜、电缆料、电池、半导体组件、塑胶、化纤、建材等行业中。产品质量稳定可靠,具有高黑度,着色力强,易分散,流动性好,耐高温等优越品质。我们的服务宗旨是创新、用户至上,将尽自己能力,为您提供的服务。 期待着您的佳音!TianJin YouMeng Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the BoHai High-tech Development Zone. Since the company was founded in 2003,it has become a modernized enterprise integrated with information-based, producing, high technology,R﹠D and management etc.Nowadays, the company has researched and developed pigment carbon black and conductive carbon black and other special products,based on production of rubber carbon black. These products are widely used in rubber, masterbatch, inks, colorants, plastics, foam, film, cable, batteries, semiconductor components, plastics, chemical fiber, building materials and other industries. Product quality is stable and reliable, with high blackness, tinting strength, easy dispersion, good liquidity, high temperature and other superior quality. Our services aim is efficient innovation, customer first, to the best of our ability, to provide you with the best service. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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