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  • 公司: 深圳市拓普微科技开发有限公司
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深圳拓普微成立于 1996年,专注于工业类液晶显示模块的设计和生产。

公司坐落于深圳市南山区政府规划建设的高科技产业园区内,位于风景秀丽的西丽水库旁,拥有六千平方米全新工业厂房,以及从日本引进的 COB,TAB和 ACF等先进的生产设备,和完善的 ISO9001质量管理体系。公司于 2008年被深圳市科技和信息局认证为深圳市高新技术企业。


拓普微以*先的创新设计为客户创造价值,与世界上许多专业电子产品设计公司保持紧密的联系,通过及时深入地了解国内外 LCD技术发展以及相关应用产品的市场信息,准确地掌握产品的发展趋势,在设计上不断创新,使我们提供的产品适合不断变化的市场需要。


Established in 1996, Topway is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the design and manufacturing of industrial LCD Module.

Topway are located in High-tech. Industrial Park constructed by local government, with over 6000 square meters space, our production plant has stringent quality control to guarantee absolute product quality. Our production equipment are state-of-the-art Japanese technology including COB, TAB, COG, etc.

Our founding members are teams of professional engineers whose careers have long been

associated with LCD industry. With such solid experience and technology know-how, and a very close and long standing cooperative relationship with universities and institutions where in-depth technology research, these high-power LCD Module specialists have a strong sense of duty and passion to deliver good products to customers. Topway have been approved by Reliable Design, Stable Quality and In-time Delivery in the market.

Topway are creating value for our clients with leading and innovating design. Our up-to-date marketing intelligence of LCD technology and related applications, extensive networking with worldwide product design houses and component makers, all ensure our LCD Module as technology superior and market welcome.

Being a customer-focused company, Topway has gradually gained a strong foothold in the world as a company excels in Quality, Service and Innovation. Well received by the global market, our clients included renowned names like Emerson, Toshiba, GE, etc.

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