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本人英语口译,有出国(英国、美国、利比里亚、科特迪瓦、马来西亚等)翻译经验(目前有一年的有效美国签证),可随时出国和前往香港澳门,工作经验丰富,曾在翻译公司做英语翻译,担任过美国、英国、加拿大、意大利、德国、法国、荷兰等客户的陪同、现场、培训、谈判等口译工作;在外贸公司工作过,对外贸熟悉;曾在中国韶钢集团做过5个月的现场口译,每天面对10多个国家的外国专家现场为中外双方翻译,难度大,但工作受到领导好评。现为自由职业,在英国顺利完成了两个月的机器的安装调试现场口译工作。如需翻译请联系:Frankie(古生),。MSN:smiletranslation@, . email: frankiegz@(如需近照及了解更多情况请到/chinaguide/iva_details/14594)

Keywords: experienced,qualified,certified,qualified,professional English/Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) interpreter/translator/business assistant/Tour guide,Guangzhou interpreter/interpretation/interpreting/responsible/recommended/intelligent/competent translator/interpreter/Guangzhou/Canton/Shenzhen/Dongguan/Foshan, Professional Interpreting and one stop sourcing service

Hi there. This is Frankie(+86-). I am an honest, reliable and easy-going male with rich experience(8 years) in translation and interpretation (have experiece in traveling to UK, HK,Macao, Malaysia etc, gain China Tour Guide Certificate). I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and English fluently. I am familiar with wholesale markets in Guangzhou and have traveled to main cities in China like Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Yiwu, Chongqing, Qingdao, Guilin etc. as a business interpreter.

I work as Interpreter/translator/Business assistant and have provided one stop sourcing services like sampling, ordering, following up, inspection and arrange shipment for clients from USA, UK, Australia, Holland, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan etc.

If you need a translator, interpreter, tour guide or business assistant, just feel free to contact me(For more info, please visit /chinaguide/iva_details/14594),Frankie Email: frankiegz@, MSN:smiletranslation@ , Skype: smile507, cellphone: +86-.

Keywords: experienced,qualified,certified,qualified,professional English/Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese) interpreter/translator/business assistant/Tour guide,Guangzhou interpreter/interpretation/interpreting/responsible/recommended/intelligent/competent translator/interpreter/Guangzhou/Canton/Shenzhen/Dongguan/Foshan, Professional Interpreting and one stop sourcing service

Main Interpretation Experience:

1. China Shaogang Iron and Steel Group: CSG have several big projects and imported the latest slab caster, rolling mill machines from Italy and Germany. Being an interpreter and translator, praised by the experts from over 10 counties such as USA, UK, Germany, Italy etc. during the installation, commission, production and performance testing.

2. Zhenjie Machinery Co., Ltd: Being an interpreter a great deal of times for clients from USA, Canada, Germany who are doing business of Candy machine.

3. Kobble Electric Company: Being an interpreter several times for clients from Netherlands and USA for audio amplifier in the factory.

4. Intersky International Trading Company: Being an interpreter for business negotiation for Chinese and German clients.

5. Mosaka International Co., Ltd: Being an interpreter for Chinese and Saudi Arabia clients for engineering design and signing up contract and till the whole project is finished.

6. Being an interpreter for clients from Egypt for computer hardware purchasing.

7. Hop International Imports: Being an interpreter for 10 days for South Africa clients and guiding them to factories and markets.

8. MingLu IMP. & EXP. TRADING CO., LTD: Being an interpreter for clients from factory and Israel for business negotiation and mediation of dispute.

9. DREAM ENTERTAINMENT Company: Being an interpreter for meeting translation for Chinese and Japanese clients.

10. Eminart Electric Co., Ltd: Being an interpreter for Chinese and foreign clients for electric products in the factory.

11. Ajanta Leather Fashions Ltd: Being an interpreter for Chinese and Indian clients for leather,

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